Monday, February 7, 2011

A man's primary goal

When a man loves a woman, his primary goal is to make her happy. Through history, men have endured the competitive and hostile world of work because, at the end of the day, their struggle and efforts were justified by a woman's appreaciation. In a very real sense, his mate's fulfillment was the reward that made a man's labor worthwhile. 

Today, because women are overworked, they often and understandably feel unfulfilled. Now, at a long day's end, both she and her mate are looking for love and appreciation. "I work as hard as he does," she tells herself. "Why is it my responsibility tp appreciate him?" Exhaustion now prevents her from giving her man the emotional support he knows he has earned.

To him, her unhappiness signals that he is a failure. "Why should I bother to do more." The harmful effects of this relatively new pattern are greatly underestimated by both women and men.